Warren Buffet

CEO, Berkshire Hathaway

Warren Buffet's Image

The most successfull investor in the world.

Here's a time line of Warren Buffet's life:

1930 Born as the 2nd son of a broker in Omaha,Nebraska.
1936 Made his first money with buying six-packs of coke-cans for 25cent and selling them for 6 cent per can.
1941 Had his first experience with the stock market as he bought 3 prefered shares of "Cities Service".
1951 Earns a Master of Science in Economics from Columbia University.
1951 Buffett marries Susan Thompson at Dundee Presbyterian Church. The next year they had their first child, Susan Alice.
1954 Buffett accepts a job at Benjamin Graham's partnership.
1962 He bacame a millionaire because of his partnerships - which had an excess of >7 Mio$ (>1Mio$ belongs to him)
1973-1988 With his investment-holding "Berkshire-Hathaway", he begins buying large amount of stakes in companys like "Washington Post Company","ABC", "Coca Coly Company" and much more.
1990 Became a billionaire on the paper as he starts to sell Berkshire Shares A.
2008 Buffett became the richest person in the world, with a total net worth estimated at $62 billion
Today Even though he continuously donate billions of dollars to charity, he is still the sixth richest man in the U.S. (~$115 billion)

Unknown Facts about Warren Buffet:

Some of his best investing rules including:

  1. Invest in companies with vigilant leadership.
  2. Invest in companies with long term prospects.
  3. Invest in stable stocks.
  4. Invest in stocks with an attractive intrinsic value
  5. Invest in companys with an easy to understand business model

Everyone who gave Warren Buffett just a little bid money became ridiculously rich:

Graph showing sale of Berkshire stock

"Someone is sitting in the shades today because someone planted a tree a long time ago"
- Warren Buffet

If you have time, you should read more about this incredible human being on his Wikipedia.